Plans to launch Rana Daggubati’s younger brother, Abhiram as hero in Telugu film industry have been underway for quite some time. Known for not finalizing any project until he is convinced of every minute detail, Suresh Babu Daggubati took his sweet time, and finally locked the launchpad of his younger son.
We have the exclusive information that Abhiram’s debut project has been finalized, and an official announcement will be made shortly. Director Bhanu Shankar has been entrusted with the responsibility of introducing the Daggubati youngster to Telugu audiences. Malavika Sharma will play the female lead in this romantic entertainer. Pre-production work is in final stage.
We have seen brothers from Mega, Nandamuri, Akkineni and Allu families entertaining Telugu audiences. The name of Daggubati family will soon join this list. Abhiram is the third hero from Daggubati family after Venkatesh and Rana.