Divya Unni is an Indian actress of Malayalam and Tamil films. She is a trained classical dancer. She acted in a couple of Telugu films as well. This actress has now applied for divorce and decided to part ways with her husband, Dr. Sudhir Shekharan. There are several versions available on the net regarding the divorce between them. Initially, it was reported that Divya decided to end the relationship due to Sudhir’s extramarital affair. But as per the latest updates, it was Sudhir’s egoistic nature which is the main reason.
It was learnt that he asked the actress to shut down her dance school and also forcing her to do many things. Irked and irritated with all this, finally Divya decided to end their 14-year-old marriage. The actress has moved back to her hometown Kochi along with her children Arjun and Meenakshi, and is living with her parents.