When Priyanka Chopra made her Hollywood debut with the super hit TV series Quantico on ABC, the entire country was in praise of the 33-year-old beauty’s achievement. Now, yet another Indian actress is following Priyanka’s footsteps and signed a Hollywood TV series.
Preeti Desai, the 31-year-old Indian-British actress cum model who impressed everyone in Shor In The City and One By Two, has been signed on in a lead role for the soon to be aired HBO series Gods and Secrets.
Directed by Indian filmmaker Adi Shankar, who is popularly called the Tarantino of the digital age, this superhero action drama series will feature popular Hollywood stars like Denise Richards, Jane Seymour, Twilight stars Kellan Lutz and Jackson Rathbone and the Breaking Bad star RJ Mitte.
Preeti, the former Miss Great Britain, has also been signed up with Untitled Entertainment, one of the top management companies in North America.