Various names are being considered as contestants for upcoming Big Boss 3 reality show, but surprisingly, many of such celebs are condemning that as fake news. The likes of Udayabhanu, Sreemukhi, Varun Sandesh and others are rumoured to be the contestants this time.
Recently Jwala Gutta clarified that she’s neither the contestant nor approached by Big Boss team. And now, popular singer Hemachandra confirmed that he’s also not participating in this game show. What is surprising is that Hemchandra happily enjoyed the rumours when they spoke only about his entry into the house, but he got upset as people started speaking about his payment as well.
A leading daily mentioned that Hemachandra being paid 10 lakhs for his stint in Big Boss 3, which the singer dubbed as ‘fake news’ anyway, including his participation in the show. With many denying Big Boss 3, we wonder who are going to be the real participants.