Star actress Samantha has suffered from health issue for a long time before she recovered. She had some special prayers done with Hindu pundits a few months back. Also, we can see Samantha carrying a sacred spiritual chain in her hand in recent times. It was highlighted a lot during her recent public appearances.
A picture has been going around on the internet which shows that Samantha is seeking spiritual guidance from Jaggi Vasudev. We all know that she was spotted during the Shiva Rathri events of Isha Foundation along with many other celebrities. Now, she has visited the Pazhani (Palani) Murugan temple on Monday where she lit over 600 camphor objects. It is one object per each temple step.
She went to the temple along with her friends and Prem Kumar (Jaanu fame). She took the blessings of the almighty and Sam’s turn towards spirituality and devotion towards Hindu gods in order to seek strength is grabbing a lot of attention.
On the work front, Sam is doing a Hindi web series with Varun Dhawan in the lead. It is the Indian adaptation of ‘Citadel’. She is the heroine in Vijay Deverakonda’s ‘Khushi’ directed by Shiva Nirvana. Her ‘Shaakunthalam’ will be coming out in April. There are reports that she bought a sea-facing apartment in Mumbai recently. She is making public appearances regularly after keeping a low profile for the last few months