There is a growing dissent against actor and MLA Balakrishna in Hindupur constituency. With the actor quite busy with his line up of films and bothering minimal about his constituency is said to be one of the reasons for he losing charm. Especially, Balayya has cut down his visits to his constituency.
Currently, shooting for his next film with director Puri Jagannadh, Balayya has not even attended TDP’s annual plenary Mahanadu in Vizag which was held on grand scale. It’s gossiped that Balayya is quite occupied that he is not even caring to spend time for party.
Many in Hindupur are of opinion that they’re being neglected by their MLA who is busy with film shoots. Especially it’s alleged that Balayya has changed after tasting success with Gautamiputra Satakarni. Post the film’s success, Balayya seems to be more interesting in doing many films and this is said to be not going well with the people of his constituency.
If this is not enough, Balayya has also earned bad reputation when his former secretary Sekhar was in charge. However, he was later sacked following AP CM Chandrababu Naidu’s strict order due to severe revolt from own party leaders and media in the constituency.
The moot question is will Balayya mend his ways and consider the mood of people of his constituency?