Anushka Sharma has denied the rumors that she would be marrying her cricketer Virat Kohli. Reports were rife that BCCI had permitted Anushka to stay in the same hotel where her rumoured boyfriend and Vice-captain Virat was staying during the England tour. Buzz had it that BCCI given its consent after coming to know that Virat and Anushka would tie the knot soon.
Reacting to the reports, Anushka’s manager released a statement on the behalf of actress, “There are several stories online about Anushka Sharma’s impending wedding. However I would like to set the record straight that there is absolutely no truth to these rumours and I would like to request you to refrain from conjecturing about the same.”
Kohli and Anushka have been in news ever since they were first spotted together during the tour of New Zealand. After that they were seen together several times in public.