Not long ago, comedian Ali has made comments about Anushka’s thighs during the audio launch of Size Zero and the remarks became talking point. When asked about them, Anushka Shetty has broken her silence albeit diplomatically. “Ali is my good friend. And I know him, his family well. I knew him since my early days (Super). I don’t think he meant to hurt me. I don’t want to elaborate on them,” said Anushka whose Size Zero is slated for Nov 27 release.
Talking about the genesis of film, she shared, “PVP garu called me one day and asked me to listen to the script of Size Zero. I heard and thought it’s different movie. I took it up immediately. Prakash is very good director who made me act at ease. Prakash, Kanika are good couple.”
On why she didn’t choose prosthetic makeup and instead opted for gaining kilos, pat comes reply for Sweety. “Since the role needed, I gained weight. I didn’t want to go prosthetic. But I did it after doing complete research,” said Anushka.
Veering towards unique promotions of Size Zero, Anushka said, “PVP garu always plan things big. Promotions are very key these days. I’m always there for promoting my film ahead of its release but remaining times I’m off.”
Of late, Anushka is going deglam. Be it Devasena in Baahubali or Rudhradevudu in Rudhramadevi or now in Size Zero. Are Anushka’s fans are going to miss her glam charm. “I don’t think so. No one has ever complained to me. In fact, my fans were so happy that I’m picking different roles, films,” said Anushka.