Anushka Shetty is undoubtedly the leading actress in Tollywood. None of the current generation actresses are able to match her star power and acting abilities. Anushka completed shooting for Gunasekhar’s Rudhramadevi and Rajinikanth’s Lingaa. This leggy lass is currently busy working for SS Rajamouli’s Baahubali and Tamil Superstar Ajith’s Yennai Arindhaal.
Earlier, we have reported that Anushka will be teaming up with Kovelamudi Prakash (K Raghavendra Rao’s Son) and Prasad V Potluri will be producing this film. Now, we received information that Anushka Shetty has confirmed this project. Regular shooting of this untitled movie will begin from January 2015. This film will be an adaption of a well known novel and MM Keeravani will compose the music.