After tasting two back to back blockbusters Baahubali and Rudhramadevi, Anushka Shetty is all set for her next Size Zero. Understandably, Anushka has put on lot of effort for the film. Right from gaining 20 kilos weight by natural methods to promoting the film vigorously, Anushka has put on her heart and soul.
Hours before the film’s release, Anushka has written an open letter to her fans. In her short and sweet letter Sweety wrote, “Hai, how are you? I’m doing fine. In fact, I’m feeling heavy as I put on weight. Before I join Baahubali shoot, I have to shed lot of weight. I hope I’ll make it.
Size Zero is so close to my heart. I put on weight for the film. I play Sweety in the film. The character is so close to reality. It’s often seen around us. I personally saw several such incidents to people around me. In the movie I play an obese girl. Like many girls, who share great bond with mother, Sweety too loves her mother.
Mother-daughter relationship is special. My mother in the film wants me to get married to a handsome guy. For that she leaves no stone unturned. It’s a family movie. Everyone should watch it along with family. Please do watch only in theatres.”