Well, the Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandra Babu Naidu is in full form to make all kind of agreements to start the actual development in Andhra Pradesh. He is now planned something massive to the AP capital. It seems the government is going to construct World’s largest ring road which is totally incredible if becomes a success.
This can be an attraction to the tourists as well as the investors says the investors. This can be a big share of development in the capital city. According to sources, the Chief Minister has given all directions to the engineers to plan this huge project which is surely a prestigious one. It seems the road stretches for about 180 kms where the estimation of cost would be $ 5,000 million.
However, CM is now busy in making his foreign visits in draw in huge investments which play an important role in development. The 51 pages brochure of AP has been giving a positive sign to all the foreign investors. So, what do you think? Is this possible?