The Criminal Investigation Department of Andhra Pradesh seems to have served notices to Telangana IT Minister KTR’s gunman and driver on Wednesday night. After a high drama, AP CID said to have served notices on gunman Janakiram and driver Satyanarayana. Apparently high drama was unfolded as AP CID initially reached Telangana CM KCR’s camp office in Begumpet to serve notices to KTR’s gunman, driver.
After denial of permission for AP CID into Telangana CM camp office by Telangana police, AP CID returned without serving notices. Also after coming to know that KTR’s driver and gunman were not there at KCR’s camp office, AP CID has served on notices to Janakiram and handed over notices at Security Intelligence Wing office after which AP CID headed to KCR’s old house in Nandini Nagar to serve notices on KTR’s driver Satyanarayana. As per the notices, CID asked the duo to present before AP CID on August 14 in Vijayawada.
Following victim Jerusalem Mattaiah’s statement that he has been receiving threatening calls from KTR’s office, Vijayawada police booked case and did investigation. In the investigation, it’s revealed that KTR’s gunman Janakiram and driver Satyanarayana were involved in threatening Mattaiah. Mattaiah had stated to Satyanrayana Puram police that he was threatened of dire consequences if he fails to name AP CM Chandrababu Naidu in Telangana’s sensational cash-for-vote case.
Close on the heels of Telangana ACB serving notices to Kondal Reddy, driver of Nara Lokesh, son of AP CM Chandrababu Naidu and Coordinator of TDP party workers’ fund, AP CID serving notices to driver and gunman of KTR, son of Telangana CM KCR gained prominence, attention.
With notices being slapped against drivers of sons of CMs of both states by each other, looks like an ugly battle is going to unfold soon. At the moment, tension is prevailed in Hyderabad, the joint capital of AP and Telangana. Watch this space for more updates.