Ruling TRS party, Telangana CM KCR and his government may be spitting venom on Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandra Babu Naidu for robbing people of the state their due rights. However Andhrs Pradesh CM Chandra babu says he backstepped for the development of Telagnana.
Speaking at the membership drive launched yesterday he added that in 2019 no force can stop TDP’s march to power in Telagnana. He added that there are lot of problems and issues between Telangana and Andhra Pradesh and both states should discuss and solve the problems with in two years. He made it clear that no one will benefit from problems.
He promised to cooperate with Telangana on power problem. Chandra Babu said if people are not keen on solving the problems through discussion then only courts can solve but it takes decades for solution. Ha lashed out at Telangana Govt saying TRS party is conducting operating Blue Star only to stifle its voice in the Telangana assembly.