Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandra Babu Naidu is currently scouting for rented houses. He has decided to demolish his present house and construct a posh bungalow. It is estimated that the bungalow will take 2 years for completion and till that time he is planning to stay in a rented house along with his family members.
Rented house is not yet finalized as Chandra Babu gives importance to vasthu and officials on security. According to sources a house in road no 24, Jubilee Hills has been finalized. Chandra Babu is giving importance to vasthu after becoming CM for the third time.
That is the reason he made lot of changes in secretariat to his chamber and lake view house which is used as camp office by spending crores of money. Chandra Babu, his wife Bhuvaneswari and daughter in law Brahmani visited the house and suggested some changes accordingly.