Election commission released fresh voters list after making some changes in two Telugu states. There are 6.5 voters exist in Telugu States. AP has dominated with Women voters in 12 districts where as women voters high in number in two districts in Telangana state. 3.78 lac new voters enrolled their votes in AP where as just 59K new votes registered in Telangana.
On a whole, AP has 87 lakh more voters than in Telangana state. In Telangana, women voters high in number in two districts like Nizamabad and Khammam where as men voters high in Ananthapur district only in AP. Third Gender (Hijra) voters high in AP when compared to Telangana state.
In Telangana, Ranga Reddy has first with having 54.42 lakh voters and Nizamabad has less number of voters 18.88 lakhs. In AP, East Godavari comes in first place with having 38.75 lakh voters where as Vizainagaram is in last having 17.31 lakhs. Division affect prompt the Telangana settlers to register votes in AP.