VIJAYAWADA: Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy paid tributes to the martyrs who sacrificed their lives and recalled their sacrifices. CM YS Jagan attended the Police Commemoration Day at the Indira Gandhi Municipal Corporation (IGMC) Stadium, Vijayawada on Wednesday. Addressing the event, CM YS Jagan said that it is proud to announce that Andhra Pradesh is the only state in the country which is giving the highest priority to the safety of women and appointed Sucharitha as Home Minister of the state to ensure the safety of the women.
CM YS Jagan stated that the government has brought 18 Disha Polie Stations across the state. He paid tributes to the police who lost their lives during the COVID-19 pandemic situation while serving their duties. He added that police worked hard during the pandemic situation to contain the virus from spreading and many lost their lives contracting the virus.
He further added that the government is going to fill the vacant posts in the police department and will issue the notification in December. CM YS Jagan said that the process of recruitment for 6,500 vacancies will be completed in four phases. He added that soon the government will release the pending funds to the police department.