The infamous online movie tickets saga in Andhra Pradesh is not showing any sign of settling down. Earlier, the Andhra Pradesh government and the film industry locked horns with each other when the proposal was made. Now the issue placed the state government and the film exhibitors against each other.
The Andhra Pradesh government which has been saying that the online ticket saying that it brings transparency, brought GO No 69 to facilitate the same and made the Andhra Pradesh Film Development Corporation (FDC) the platform for the online sales of movie tickets.
The online movie ticket sale row is a curious case as both parties are stuck on one issue. How the money generated through the sales will be sent to the film exhibitors is the main question here and no one has the answer for this, and the exhibitors want clarity from the Andhra Pradesh government.
Unfortunately, the Andhra Pradesh government did not give the clarity raising many questions about how the money is distributed. This made the film exhibitors and the private online movie sellers knock on the doors of the Andhra Pradesh High Court.
The issue reached the Andhra Pradesh High Court after the state government said that online movie ticket sales will bring transparency and people cannot skip the tax payment as every penny generated through ticket sales will be noted.
Countering the same, the film exhibitors and the multiplex owners challenged the Government Order and asked how the government can sell the tickets online like the private service providers. The case was heard for two long days. One day, the lawyers representing the state government placed their arguments and on the second day, the film exhibitors and multiplex owners took their arguments to the High Court of Andhra Pradesh.
However, the Andhra Pradesh High Court could not come to a conclusion even after hearing the arguments. As a result, a division bench of the Andhra Pradesh High Court reserved the verdict and said that the verdict will be out on the 1st of July. Now all the eyes are on the High Court to know what happens next.