In what is seen as a remarkable help, Andhra Pradesh NGOs have come forward to donate a whopping Rs 125 Crore to government of Andhra Pradesh towards the relief and rehabilitation measures in three Hudhud-battered districts in Coastal Andhra. AP NGOs have offered to donate their two-day salary to CM Relief Fund. Corroborating it, AP NGOs president Ashok Babu said that employees have given it in written to cut their two-day salary for restoring normalcy in the affected regions. A formal letter regarding this has been handed over to Chief Secretary on Friday.
Excluding the employees of APGENCO, APSRTC and TTD, APNGOs alone have contributed this huge donation. Ashok Babu said that Union government and State government can’t handle this situation alone without the support of employees.
At a time, even star heroes are shelling out lakhs of rupees, government employees together contributing Rs 125 Crore is definitely bolt out of the blue and laudable. Well done guys, you have set new precedent.