APNGOs have already announced plans for a meeting at Lal Bahadur Stadium on September 7th in support of United AP movement while Telangana JAC is planning a counter rally on the same day. The police department had reportedly made it clear that they are not going to give permission for any meetings.
But finally, APNGOs seem to have won the battle against T-JAC as of now! Sources say that the Police department has granted permission to the APNGOs for organizing their ‘Save AP’ meeting at LB Stadium on September 7th. The precondition is that only employees should be taking part in it.
At the same time there are reports that permission has been denied to T-JAC for their rally citing the clash of dates. T-JAC chairman Kodanda Ram seems to be visibly infuriated with this move and has announced that the group will come out with its strategy by evening!