Young hero Naga Chaitanya’s Sahasame Swasaga Sagipo shooting has been completed. The makers are planning to release the film’s audio soon. However, they are waiting for music director AR Rahman’s date. If things go well, SSS audio will be launched in first or second week of May.
The ace composer Rahman is a busy technician with handful projects. Due to hectic schedules, he is rarely signing south films. Chaitu is lucky enough getting chance to work with the Oscar Award winning composer Rahman.
Billed to be a romantic thriller, Sahasame Swasaga Sagipo is likely to release in May end or in June. The film is directed and co-produced by Gautham Vasudev Menon who provided first break for Chaitu with Ye Maaya Chesave. Star writer Kona Venkat is the other producer for the flick that has debutante Manjima Mohan in female lead role.
Interim, Naga Chaitanya’s other film Premam, official remake of Malayalam film with same title, is also in last stages and the film is due for release in July. So, Chaitu wil have two releases in short time period.