We can witness Prince Mahesh Babu’s son Gautham Krishna was sitting comfortably on the lap of Power Star pawan kalyan in the above pic. How has pawan kalyan got such a relaxed mood playing with another superstar’s kid? Buzz is that Mahesh Babu has lent his voice to ‘Aththarintiki Daaredi’ recently. He has reportedly entered the recording theater along with his son Gautham. While Mahesh was busy lending his voice, pawan kalyan played with the cute boy. We have to wait till the release of the movie whether this story is true or not. Until then, enjoy the pic folks!
Dusky beauty Samantha and Pranitha are playing the female leads of ‘Aththarintiki Daaredi’. Devi Sri Prasad has composed the music of the film. Trivikram wields the megaphone while BVSN Prasad is producing the movie on Sri Ventkateswara Cine Chitra. The movie hits the screens on 7th of August.