Bollywood actor Arjun Rampal found himself in dock after Mumbai police summoned him for meeting mafia don last month. According to sources JJ.Marg police after receiving information that Arjun Rampal met jailed gangster Arun Gawli in the out patient ward of JJ.Hospital, on Dec 29,2014, served summons to him.
According to sources Arjun Rampal met Arun Gawli and interacted with him for around one hour as he is reprising his role in his upcoming film Daddy. Police took serious note of Arjun Rampal’s actions as he didnot have required permission to meet the dreaded gangster.
Arun Gawli was sentenced to life term in 2008 for murdering corporator Kamalakar Jamasandekar. Police even ordered internal inquiry in the department against their cops who accompanied Gawli to Hospital from Taloja Jail.