Noted Bollywood star Shahid Kapoor is going to step into the shoes of Vijay Devarakonda for the Hindi remake of the latter’s cult film Arjun Reddy. Shahid, who recently won laurels for his performance as Rajput King Maharawal Ratan Singh, is prepping up to do a no-holds-barred bold role in the Hindi version of Arjun Reddy. While Arjun Kapoor was the first choice for the role, for unknown reasons, the role landed into Shahid’s lap.
Shahid, who has been in talks for the role, has reportedly given his nod earlier this week. While Sandeep Reddy Vanga will make his directorial debut in Hindi with the film, Murad Khetani, Ashwin Warde, who acquired the rights of Hindi version, will bankroll the film.
Made with a shoe-string budget in Telugu, the film went onto become a blockbuster minting money to its buyers. While the novelty and boldness element has appealed to Telugu audiences, it needs to be seen how Bollywood would respond to the film since they’ve already used to such bold content.