Arjun Reddy’s Mom Visits Girls College, Girls Go Crazy

Arjun Reddy aka Vijay Devarakonda’s real mother has paid a visit to a girls college recently and beyond everyone’s expectations the lady fans of Vijay Deverakonda have gone crazy, berserk where they have given Vijay’s mom a huge reception.

When Vijay Devarakonda’s mother Madhavi Devarakonda, who is the proprietor of Speak Easy and a motivational speaker, was welcomed onto the dais of the college, she had got unexpected welcome with thundering claps, cheers from the crowd.

The lady fans of Vijay showed their support, love to Vijay’s mom. In fact, on lookers said that the fans of Vijay have seen him in his mother.

Vijay’s mother was apparently extremely happy with the grand welcome, huge reception she was bestowed with. Vijay too was on cloud nine after seeing the video.

Sharing the video footage, Vijay wrote on his Twitter page, “Yesterday Mummylu visited Reddy Women’s College. This is the BEST thing I have seen since I became an actor. I feel your love. I feel it in me.”