This week is very important for Allu Arjun. He is making a Twitter entry, celebrating his Birthday and then there is the release of S/O Satyamurthy. In general any actor will want to be in the good books of media in such a week but Allu Arjun rubbed them on wrong side.
A day ahead of his Birthday, Allu Arjun called for a Pressmeet in Geeta Arts office on Tuesday. He was supposed to come up at 11 AM but did not turn up till 1.30PM. His PR team some how managed the angry media saying he is struck up in a lunch meeting with Trivikram Srinivas. Finally he turned up at 2PM and is getting prepared to start the pressmeet even with out an apology.
The entire media was very annoyed with his arrogance and immediately boycotted the pressmeet. Allu Aravind is reportedly trying to pacify the media so to avoid any problems ahead of the movie release.