As a moment to rejoice for Bollywood badshah Shah Rukh Khan and his family, SRK”s son Aryan Khan who was arrested in connection with the alleged rave party has been released on Saturday from jail. He spent 28 long days in custody and finally got a bail today.
Media reports claimed that by 11: 00 AM, his bail formalities were completed and he and other accused in the case were released on bail. Instead of heading to his house, Aryan Khan reached a five-star hotel in Mumbai. He was brought there in SRK”s vehicles as a convoy.
The reason behind Aryan Khan reaching the five-star hotel is to meet his father Shah Rukh Khan and the team of lawyers who fought for Aryan to see that he gets a bail in this case. Earlier, his bail petition was rejected two times.
Former Attorney-General for India,Mukul Rohatgi represented Aryan Khan in the case and placed his arguments to seek bail for Aryan Khan.After meeting Shah Rukh Khan and the legal team, Aryan Khan left for his home from there.
On the other hand, Shah Rukh Khan fans who have been celebrating the bail of Aryan Khan reached Mannat and celebrated his home coming like a festival by bursting crackers and playing drums.
Amid much fanfare, Aryan Khan reached his house. Bollywood celebrities have congratulated Aryan Khan on securing bail in the case.
Aryan Khan who spent 28 days in jail was released by the Bombay High Court. He was supposed to be released on Friday. However, he could not make it out of the jail as the bail formalities were not completed in time. Aryan Khan was granted bail on a few conditions.
Producing a personal bond of Rs 1 lakh is one condition. He should submit his passport and cannot leave the country without seeking permission. Aryan Khan should not communicate with the co-accused and should not make any statements on the case proceedings.
Aryan Khan was arrested and sent to jail in connection with the alleged cruise party that was busted in Mumbai earlier this month. On the grounds of his WhatsApp chat, his bail petition was cancelled twice.