Nandamuri Kalyan Ram created a decent fan base with diverse concept films and recently he scored a superhit with Bimbisara. Currently the actor working on his next titled ‘Amigos’, which is being produced by the famous production company Mythri Movie Makers banner with debut director Rajender Reddy.
The Spanish title and stunning first look piqued our interest. According to the poster, Kalyan Ram will be seen in three different shades. The look poster for Ashika Ranganath, who plays the female lead in this film, was released today by the film’s production team.
In this film, she will play the character of Ishika. Ashika Ranganath looks adorable in the poster and is making her Telugu debut with this stylish action thriller.
‘Amigos’ production is currently at final stage. In addition, the team is working on post-production tasks. This movie is releasing on February 10, 2023. S. Soundar Rajan is working as a cinematographer and Tammiraju is working as an editor for this film, and music is composed by Ghibran.