The alleged drug scandal shocked the Tollywood industry yet again. The scandal came to light when a noted producer was nabbed by the Hyderabad Narcotics Department. Adding sensation to the case, a few noted names popped up in the case and it is said that he had supplied the banned substances to them.
Producer KP Chowdary was arrested by the concerned officials recently and he is believed to have dialed noted actors and pictures of them with Chowdary went viral. Since then, the actors are facing the heat and they are coming out to clear their stand and claim innocence.
Budding actress Ashu Reddy whose name popped up in the case had cleared her stand on the issue yet again. She released a video in which she said that a few media channels carried out news on her which is objectionable. She also fired at the channels for displaying her mobile number.
Ashu Reddy went on to say that she will file a defamation case against certain channels. In the video, the actress said that reports are claiming she spoke to KP Chowdary, but that is not true and she has all the evidence to prove this. I am posting the video as I cannot sit idle when allegations are made against me, she said.
“I’m going to take my stand and fight for myself, to some of the low standard news channels, openly displaying my number and spreading false information, a Defamation will be filed if it’s not removed. Period,” Ashu Reddy captioned the video.