Recently Suresh Babu’s very own Suresh Productions has tweeted that Venkatesh is going to star in the remake of Tamil film “Asuran”. Though this production company never made announcements about their remakes much in advance, we wonder how come this happened. There seems to be a story behind it.
Many big heroes from Telugu industry are said to have shown interest to star in the remake of Tamil hit Asuran that featured Danush in the lead and Vetrimaran directing it. Even Mahesh Babu has tweeted about the film, though he’s against starring in remakes. At a time when Mahesh is said to be trying for Vetrimaaran to discuss the possibility of working on a movie, it looks like Suresh Babu’s announcement came out, upsetting him.
Though there is no clarity about who is gonna direct the Telugu version of Asuran, the news of Venky grabbing the rights might have upset all others in the race. Whether Mahesh is upset or not, the star hero might try Vetrimaaran for a film for sure. For the now, he has no other film in hands after he wraps Sarileru Neekevvaru.