After the promising round of promotions, the makers have unveiled the much awaited teaser of Naga Shaurya’s Aswthama. The teaser is slick, intense and intriguing. Shaurya, who is known for soft, lover-boy roles so far, has molded himself well as an action hero.
Besides stunning action, the teaser promises good dose of emotion. However, the teaser doesn’t give out any spoilers. Debutante director Ramana Teja has kept the plot under the wraps. But the teaser and posters indicate that the film has a lot more to offer. Mehreen has little presence in the teaser, yet she is alright.
Billed to be an intelligent investigative thriller laced with action and emotion, Shaurya is seen in a new avatar. KGF action directors Anbu and Arivu (duo is known as Anbariv) have yet again delivered intense action scenes. Sricharan Pakala’s background music stands out. Produced by Shaurya’s home production Ira Creations, the film is all set for Jan 31st release.