At present, Atlee is the most-successful director in Kollwyood with 100 percent success rate. He gave two big hits to Vijay (‘Theri’ and ‘Mersal’).‘Mersal’ hit the headlines and the film collected more than Rs 200 Cr gross worldwide. He also made a cute romantic drama with Nayanathara (‘Raja Rani).
He proved that he can direct any kind of commercial movie. Expectedly, he is in now much demand. However, his dream is to work with NTR Jr.
Ashwini Dutt has Atlee’s dates and the senior producer took him to NTR Jr. After listening to Atlee’s ideas,Tarak has agreed to team up with the young talented director but the film will not go to the sets anytime soon.
NTR has to complete Trivikram and S S Rajamouli’s movies first. He will only be free after 2019.Atlee confirms that he would direct NTR in late 2019 and before this film he wants to complete another Tamil movie with Vijay.