Police said they arrested 11 persons including one Sridhar Reddy, who claims to be a leader of the YSR Congress. Police had seized Rs. 2 crore in cash, two cars and 9 two-wheelers from the gang that committed the offence.
It is learnt that Sridhar Reddy told the police that he had spent Rs. 3 crore for the party and one crore on a film. Reports said he told the police that he had also funded Sharmila’s Pada Yatra. Police reportedly traced the murderers on the basis of the phone numbers recorded in the cell phone of the murdered security guard.
Sridhar Reddy is from Kakinada. It is being said that he is the follower of a former MLA. It may be recalled that Srinivas, employee of the contract firm that fills cash in the ATMs was found murdered at Rajahmundry on June 24. Cash of Rs. 7.32 crore was missing. Srinivas who supervises the ATMs near the Arts College, was found hanging to a fan in his office. The cash that was placed in the safe was missing. He is not YSRCP leader
Meanwhile YSR Congress MLA Dwarampudi Chandrasekhar Reddy denied that Sridhar Reddy was a leader of his party. He said he joined the party only 4 months ago and his credentials were not known to any of them.