Nandyala YSRCP MLA Bhuma Nagireddy was booked under attempt-to-murder case.The party leader was absconding now and police have launched search to nab him. Police were deployed in huge numbers around Bhooma house and Kurnool SP Ravi Krishna reached the spot to control the situation.
Ravi Krishna reportedly gave strong warning to Bhooma to surrender within few hours else warned with dire sequences. Police tried to enter into his house and bhooma followers tried to obstruct them.The police alleged that Bhuma Nagireddy organized the clashes in the municipal council meeting which happened today .
Trouble started when the YSRCP councilors tried to obstruct municipal chairman and this led to war of words between the YSRCP and the TDP members resulting in clash.In the clash, three persons, including a YSRCP activist, were injured. TDP called for a Bandh in Nandyala after the incident.