Since Mahesh Babu was scheduled to leave for TANA convention in the summer, the makers of ‘Srimanthudu’ had thought of holding the audio launch of the movie in the US also. But wiser counsel prevailed and they have reportedly given up on this plan.
Holding the audio launch in the US means ferrying at least a dozen unit members to the US. Their travel charges, lodging and boarding expenses and various other costs associated with the function would easily cost the producers a bomb.
And even if the entry to the audio function was charged, there was no guarantee that they would get back their investment.
Recently, the organizers of Devi Sri Prasad’s US tour had to move heaven and earth to sell tickets to the latter’s shows.
If there was no ticket, then people will walk even miles to attend the event. But if they are asked to pay, then they prefer watching it on you tube. Considering all these reasons, the plan was dropped.