Finally, Mega Power Star ram charan’s ‘Yevadu’ audio release date has been confirmed as 30th of June, officially. However, the makers of this movie seem to have been in doldrums about its release date. While some of the film nagar sources are saying that the movie hits the screens on 24th of July, some more people are saying that the movie will be released in the month of September only. Since Power Star Pawan Kalyan’s ‘Aththarintiki Daaredi’ is slated for release on 7th August, ‘Yevadu’ is expected to be postponed by them. The makers should take a wise decision of releasing the movie at the earliest, otherwise entire planning of the release dates of mega movies will be collapsed.
Sensuous beauty Shruthi Haasan is seen opposite to ram charan in ‘Yevadu’. Amy Jackson plays the second heroine. Devi Sri Prasad has scored the music of the film. Vamsi Pydipalli directed the movie while Dil Raju produced it on Sri Venkateswara Creations.