Bollywood’s star couple Ajay Devgn and Kajol have now joined the list of AP CM Nara Chandrababu Naidu’s admirers. Both Ajay and Kajol met Chandrababu at his Vijayawada camp office this afternoon and hailed his governance.
Ajay and Kajol voluntarily came forward to associate with Andhra Pradesh and Chandrababu’s government and the CM, as a return gesture, made the couple brand ambassadors for AP Tourism. The couple will soon appear in promotional campaign for AP Tourism.
Speaking on this occasion, Ajay Devgn told the media that Chandrababu’s role in Hyderabad’s development as an IT city is impeccable and that the AP CM is striving hard to develop Amaravati and AP. The star couple also said that they will again meet Chandrababu to chalk out the promotional activities.