With ‘Kabir Singh’, Shahid Kapoor scored the biggest commercial success in his career. This Hindi Remake of ‘Arjun Reddy’ collected Rs 88.37 crore in just 4 days. Could you believe that a Shahid Kapoor-starrer collected Rs 17.54 crore on a working day (Monday, 4th day)? None of his previous movies had generate such huge revenue even on Day 1.
Shahid Kapoor continues to rely on Tollywood Hits to improve his range in Bollywood. He is now keen do the Hindi remake of ‘Jersey’.
Apparently, Karan Johar is holding talks with Sitara Entertainments for acquiring the Hindi remake rights for an outright price. However, The Telugu Producer wants a share in the Hindi version so that he could foray into the Hindi Cinema with this promising subject.
Gautham Tinnanuri who directed ‘Jersey’ could be helming the remake as well. This a move to ensure the soul of the original remains intact. That really worked for ‘Kabir Singh’ which was directed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga who is the creator of ‘Arjun Reddy’.