SS Rajamouli’s magnum opus film, Baahubali had completed its 35 days run after its release. The movie had collected a whopping 105 Crore share only in the Telugu states in this 35 days run.
The movie is receiving little shares in all the territories even after its fifth week and stiff competition from Srimanthudu which released last week. Here is the breakup of Baahubali 35 days collections:
Nizam:39.03 Cr
Ceded:21.25 Cr
Krishna:6.61 Cr
Guntur:9.33 Cr
Uttarandhra: 9.39 Cr
East:8.48 Cr
West:6.79 Cr
Nellore:4.13 Cr
AP+Nizam Total :105.01 Cr