Thanks to the earth shattering success of Baahubali’s Malayalam version in Kerala, Young Rebel Star Prabhas is now a hot property among Malayalis. Baahubali continued its dream run until recently, and before the stream could fizzle out, Prabhas over again reigned over his Kerala fans with his latest Malayalam dubbed release, Bujjigadu as Rudran.
Couple of weeks ago, Rudran was released to a huge response from Prabhas’ fans in several parts of Kerala. The film was purchased for a decent price of 9 lakhs, and it had a limited release in Malabar and Palakkad areas. However, the response has been tremendous and the film collected close to 15 lakhs share.
Thanks to this success, Rudran will now release in several main centres across Kochi and other major towns this 24th. Interestingly, Prabhas’ yet another hit film, Mirchi, will also release big on 24th this month. The Kerala distributors are promoting the film as ‘Baahubali stars back in Kerala’, since Mirchi has Prabhas and Anushka, both who played memorable roles in Baahubali.