Karan Johar who owned the Hindi rights of Baahubali is unleashing a huge promotion campaign for the film. We have seen the trailer recently releasing in media event at Mumbai and now the theatrical trailer is being attached to the prints of Friday release, Dil Dhadkane Do.
The film starring Ranveer Singh and Priyanka Chopra is expected to have a good opening and so will give Baahubali good visibility in audience. Karan Johar is planning to bring down the Khans for the movie promotion.
A grand gala premiere may also be arranged in Mumbai before the movie release. Baahubali is the biggest costliest film ever made on Telugu Screen. Three years of hard work had gone in to the project and the movie is already creating never before seen records in Telugu film trade.
The movie is made in two parts and the first part will be releasing very soon