Budget issues have always been a big headache to Tollywood filmmakers. Now noted director S.S. Rajamouli is also facing the same situation. His ambitious project ‘Baahubali’ movie has recently finished its script reading session and is all set to hit the floors but is getting delayed because of budget. Since the movie is planned to make with a whopping budget of 100 Crores, Rajamouli is thinking of making the film in two parts. This plan of the director would not create any problem to the producer in terms of budget and will certainly create more hype to this film. So far it’s just a rumor in filmnagar but we never know.
The movie which is reportedly the biggest budget movie ever made in Telugu, will go on to sets this month. Anushka will be pairing with Prabhas in this movie for the third time after Billa and Mirchi. Rana is playing Prabhas’ brother in the movie. This project will be jointly produced by Shobu Yarlagadda and Prasad Devineni under Arka Media banner and will be presented by K Raghavendra Rao. Keeravani will be scoring the music.