Mahesh Babu, Jr NTR and Ram Charan are working for their respective films, despite the scorching heat. Since Mahesh’s Brahmotsavam release date is nearing, the film unit has no option but to continue the shooting. The makers of Janatha Garage and Dhruva (Thani Oruvan) have locked release dates of their films, so they are not willing to disrupt shooting schedules.
However, director SS Rajamouli and his producers of Baahubali franchise have decided to take 45 days long break as shooting has become unfeasible in the overheating conditions. That means the shooting of Baahubali: The Conclusion will be halted for one and half month days.
Currently, Baahubali 2 shooting is happening at RFC in Hyderabad. Scenes involving Prabhas and Anushka are being filmed. The ongoing schedule will come to end by the month end. Holidays for the film unit start from May 1st and end on June 15th.
It is heard that, Prabhas is planning summer vacation in US, while his director Rajamouli is taking his family to Australia.Sources say that, there will be no change in the release date, despite the long break. Meanwhile, Baahubali 2 will arrive to theaters on April 14th, 2017.