Singer-turned-actor Baba Sehgal, who is making his Tollywood debut in an antagonist role Nagadevudu in upcoming magnum opus Rudhramadevi. divulged his look in the film. Revealing the pics, the pop rapper said that he has finished shooting for the patch work of the film.
Touted to be India’s first 3D historic stereoscopic film, the movie boasts ensemble cast Anushka Shetty (title role Rudhramadevi), Rana Daggubati (Chalukya Veerabhadra), Allu Arjun (Gona Ganna Reddy), Nithya Menen, Nathalia Kaur, Prakash Raj, Suman etc. Director Gunasekhar is also producing the film and the music is scored by maestro Ilaiyaraaja.