Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu has reportedly bought land in the outskirts of Vijayawada. According to reliable sources, Mr Naidu bought four acres of land near Poranki. Keeping future purposes in mind, Babu is contemplating to build his own house and party office NTR Bhavan adjacent to house in the land.
The land is said to be in prime locale between new Autonagar and Enikepadu and is said to be very close to Vijayawada MP Kesineni Nani’s parking lot where his buses are parked usually. According to market price, one acre of land in the area is touching whopping Rs 3 Crore.
However, it’s not sure when the land was bought. Moreover, it’s unclear who purchased the land whether it’s Naidu directly or NTR Trust Bhavan. Although initially Babu wants to initiate the construction work immediately, later he decided to go slow on the project. As per TDP sources, the land is said to be purchased for party activities. Let’s wait and see.