AP Chief Minister CBN welcomes Actor Sivaji’s hunger strike on Special Status to AP. He indirectly said that he can welcomes agitation for special status to the state done by any person. By this statement, CBN shows his irritation on NDA Government. CBN moved strategically with NDA Government.
Though he got frustration, CBN is not willing to come out from NDA because of financial assistance. CBN has reiterated without Centre Government’s help, AP can’t sustain and compete with other neighboring states. CBN is keen pay more attention in generating more revenue from the natural resources in the state.
AP Government has received around 300 crores through the sale of sand in first 9 months of this financial year. In 2013-14, Congress got just 20 crores through the auction of sand. TDP has controlled sand mafia and generates more income. TDP was received 855 crores of revenue through the auction of 4K tones of red sandalwood.
In second phase, AP Government has decided to auction 3,500 tons of red sandalwood. This time Government expected another 1K crores. Now AP Government seeks to ask revenue from Oil and Natural Gas produced in KG Basin. If it happens, AP will get 10,000 crores from KG basin. On the other hand, AP has concentrated more revenue from barites metal which has more in AP.