Noted producer Suresh Babu hasn’t worked with big directors of Telugu cinema whether in the past or now. He always chooses his directors very carefully and except for directors who made swashbuckling low budgeted movies, rest of his directors are the ones who are in a major slump.
For example, Suresh has picked Srikanth Addala for Asuran remake, and the director is out of the scene after Brahmotsavam failed to click at the box office. Then we have Sudheer Varma, whose recent films like Ranarangam are disasters, directing Suresh’s upcoming remake of Korean action-comedy Midnight Runners.
Talking about the same, the producer is said to have revealed to people close to him that he will pick flop directors because those chaps will work with more responsibility. If the director is in a stupendous form, surely he will be demanding huge on the set and that could lead to various issues including cost failures. But a struggling director will be in the control of the producer, and Suresh goes by this logic.
Even Dr D Ramanaidu never worked with directors when they are in a hit form, but made movies with them only when they are in flops. Looks like Suresh is following this to the core.