TDP President Chandra Babu Naidu is undertaking padayatara to come back to power. This is his last ditch effort after exhausting all his means. He was confident of coming back to power last elections itself as he strategically stitched a strong alliance against Cong Party. However last minute entry by Mega Star Chiranjeevi played spoil sport to all his plans.
In the mean time Babu is keen on brining his son Lokesh as his successor and as such Lokesh is accompanying him in his padayatra. Now a days ,Babu is giving credit to all the new ideas to his son Lokesh, so that people will come to know about his intelligence and hard work for the poor people. Till now Lokesh is an unknown entity in politics and only with Babu referring his name everyone came to know about him.
When media tried to find more about Lokesh and his political dreams, and questioned when will be his political entry, he sprang a surprise saying he is in politics since 1995. Hearing this answer entire media was stunned and were seen commenting among themselves that Babu’s Babu can teach a lesson or two even to his dad Babu. With this cleverness one feel that he can take anyone for a political ride.