Anand Deverakonda and Vaishnavi Chaitanya’s romantic drama ‘Baby’ which was released on Friday got a huge response from the audience. The promotions have worked out and people went to the theatres in good numbers. Right from the morning shows, the film sparked a debate among the public. While some say that the movie showcased facts in real society, others say that it is completely biased.
The movie is being discussed a lot on public platforms like Twitter, Instagram and other spaces. The netizens are taking different sides and relating themselves to all three main characters in the movie. Despite the criticism of a few, it is true that the movie has started a discussion among the public. All this engagement showcases that the movie has definitely struck a chord with the audience.
This is really helpful for filmmakers who make such movies on small budgets as it attracts the crowd and builds curiosity. Let us see how far these discussions and debates take ‘Baby’ at the ticket window.
Produced by SKN on Mass Movie Makers, the film has situational music by Vijai Bulganin. The cinematography by M N Balreddy is looking natural. Edited by Viplav Nyshadam, the film is co-produced by Dheeraj Mogilineni. Vaishnavi Chaitanya is the heroine in this film while Viraj Ashwin played a key role. Sai Rajesh is the writer and director of this film.