Akshay Kumar appears in a never seen before avatar for ‘Bachchan Pandey’ directed by Farhad Samji and produced by Sajid Nadiadwala. In the first look poster, Dhoti-clad Akshay appears bare-chested and sports a fierce look on his face. Isn’t he like a South Indian Star here? Looks like, This flick is going to be out & out action packed.
The choice of subjects by Akshay Kumar has been impressive in the recent years. Be it Mission Mangal, Housefull 4, Good News, Sooryavanshi, Laxmi Bomb and Bachchan Pandey, Each one of them is so different from the other. All of these six movies will be releasing in next 17 months. No other Bollywood Stars is able to do projects at such a rapid phase. Constant experimentation with characters has really worked for the Bollywood Khiladi so far.