Now that the film had its official launch a few days ago, all eyes are on Megastar Chiranjeevi and star director Koratala Siva. The duo has join hands for an intense social drama, which will be produced by Ram Charan and ‘Matinee’ Niranjan Reddy.
Of late, there have been several rumours about the story and backdrop of the Chiru, Koratala Siva film. We had reported in the past that the film is set in the backdrop of the ancient temples. And the latest we hear is that the film is predominantly set in the backdrop of the Simhachalam Temple in Visakhapatnam.
Furthermore, Koratala Siva is said to have woven an intense message oriented film based on real incidents that took place in and around the Simhachalam Appanna Temple several years ago. Well, this surely is an exciting backdrop and we will have to wait until the film’s release to see what Chiru and Siva have in store for us.